实验室人员招聘 | 白菜网注册领取体验李寅青组招聘基因编辑和单细胞组学实验助理、实验员

About the Lab
In the lab of Dr. Yinqing Li, the overarching goal is to develop cutting-edge technology to understand the determinants of major human diseases, thereby paving the way for better, more targeted therapies for immune-related disorders such as cancer. To this end, our interdisciplinary team pioneers a combination of high-throughput profiling platforms, next-generation genome editing tools, novel model systems, and computational analyses. Recent work has focused on the following specific areas
  • Single-cell and Systems Biology
  • Next-generation Gene Editing Technology
  • Bioinformatics and Machine learning
The lab has a highly innovative and collaborative environment and international training access, providing a unique opportunities to learn and grow into the next stage of your career, either in academic or industry.
More information can be found at
About the Job
We are seeking multiple excellent biologists/engineers/computational scientists to join our group, working together to push the frontiers forward. Competitive compensation will be provided.
  • Bachelor degree in molecular biology, immunology, engineering, computer science, and any related disciplines
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to work as a team member
Application Process
Please send your CV and other related materials such as publications or research posters to Dr. Yinqing Li yinqingl@csail.mit.edu with the email subject line beginning with "[application] your name".