公司活动 | 生物成像技术讲座通知


时间:2017年12月28日   14:00-15:00
报名邮箱    马佳璐      

Pushing the Envelope of Super-resolution Live Cell Imaging

Dong Li

Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Super-resolution (SR) fluorescence microscopy provides the capability of resolving ultra-structure beyond the Abbe limit, but many SR methods encounter practical limitations when imaging nano-scale dynamics in living biological samples, especially for long durations over large fields of view. Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) stands out in the context of live imaging, since many fewer raw images and much lower light levels are required. In addition, its higher efficiency in transmitting spatial frequencies beyond the Abbe limit makes it much less photon demanding than other SR methods. However, it typically offers only a two-fold resolution gain, i.e., around 100 nm for green fluorescent protein. Here I will present the latest development of how to extend SIM resolution into sub-100 nm regime, and simultaneously improve the temporal resolution to hundreds of frames per second; as well as the biology uncovered at this high spatiotemporal resolution level.

共享仪器平台Zeiss LSM780共聚焦显微镜上机培训

培训仪器:Zeiss LSM780正置激光共聚焦显微镜
培训内容:Zeiss LSM780正置激光共聚焦显微镜上机操作,包括基本原理及仪器开关机、基本图像采集及参数设置、三维层扫、大图拼接等。
电话:62798144  李海冬

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